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Friday, February 3, 2012

Can Pennsylvania’s State Forests Survive Additional Marcellus Shale Drilling?

Penn­syl­va­nia is strapped for cash. The state has run bil­lion dollar-plus deficits for three straight years. But since 2009, roy­al­ties and bonus pay­ments from Mar­cel­lus Shale drilling in state forests have brought in hun­dreds of mil­lions of dol­lars.  Some offi­cials say addi­tional drilling is the solu­tion to the commonwealth’s finan­cial prob­lems. That’s rais­ing the ire of peo­ple like Butch Davey, who worry addi­tional leas­ing would dam­age the forests forever.
(Scott Detrow / StateImpact Pennsylvania)
A drilling rig in the Tioga Staet Forest

Penn­syl­va­nia is strapped for cash. The state has run bil­lion dollar-plus deficits for three straight years. But since 2009, roy­al­ties and bonus pay­ments from Mar­cel­lus Shale drilling in state forests have brought in hun­dreds of mil­lions of dol­lars.  Some offi­cials say addi­tional drilling is the solu­tion to the commonwealth’s finan­cial prob­lems. That’s rais­ing the ire of peo­ple like Butch Davey, who worry addi­tional leas­ing would dam­age the forests forever.

Read the rest of this story at StateImpact Pennsylvania.