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Monday, October 17, 2011
Science Health

“Let’s Move” Campaign Comes to Pittsburgh

Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens is joining the campaign launched by First Lady Michelle Obama in February 2010 to encourage healthy eating and increase physical activity by children.

As part of the “Let’s Move” campaign, the conservatory is hosting a regional symposium at its facilities to share ideas and actions that help prevent obesity.

Phipps director Richard Piacentini says a conservatory has more to do with children’s health than one might think.

One of our primary roles it to connect people to the important role that plants play in our lives, and also to advance sustainability, and if you look at the biggest intersection between people and plants, it occurs with food,” Piacentini said.

The regional gathering on October 12 will include a panel discussing  schools, healthcare, childhood education, out-of-school activities, the food and restaurant industry, and how they can be changed to help children’s health.

The second symposium on October 13, also at Phipps, will feature national museum representatives focusing on how to bring food into the big picture of every museum’s campaigns.

We’re bringing people from all over the country, that again have the same interests, to figure out how can museums play a more important role in their communities to really help create healthier lifestyle options for children,” Piacentini said.


Phipps Conservatory


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