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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Santorum’s Chances in Pennsylvania

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A Franklin & Marshall College poll released on Wednesday shows Rick Santorum tied with Mitt Romney in Pennsylvania.  That’s a big drop from his poll numbers a month ago. Pittsburgh Tribune-Review staff writer Salena Zito talks about her recent article and whether Santorum faces a second defeat in a state he represented for 16 years in Washington.
(Terence Burlij/PBS NewsHour)
According to a new poll, former Senator Rick Santorum's lead in his home state has largely disappeared.

A Franklin & Marshall College poll released on Wednesday shows Rick Santorum tied with Mitt Romney in Pennsylvania.  That’s a big drop from his poll numbers a month ago. Pittsburgh Tribune-Review staff writer Salena Zito talks about her recent article and whether Santorum faces a second defeat in a state he represented for 16 years in Washington.



Rick Santorum