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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Reclaiming the Lower Hill District

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Now that the Civic Arena has come down, what’s next for the site? The Hill District Consensus Group has some ideas. The group would like to see affordable housing, work honoring the area’s history, and a grocery. Joining us to talk about the group’s vision for the future is Carl Redwood, chairperson of the Hill District Consensus Group.
(Perry Quan/Flickr)
With the Civic Arena gone, what will happen next to the Lower Hill District?

Now that the Civic Arena has come down, what’s next for the site? The Hill District Consensus Group has some ideas. The group would like to see affordable housing, work honoring the area’s history, and a grocery. Joining us to talk about the group’s vision for the future is Carl Redwood, chairperson of the Hill District Consensus Group.



Hill District