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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Raja Wins State Senate Republican Primary in the 37th District

D. Raja lost his bid to become Allegheny County Executive last year, but voters got to know him and apparently enough liked his ideas, some of which he’ll take to Harrisburg. He said he will lead by example by not taking a pension, and he wants to lower corporate taxes to make the state more business friendly.
(Charlee Song/Essential Public Radio)
D. Raja defeated Mike Mustio in Tuesday's primary race for the 37th state senate district.

D. Raja lost his bid to become Allegheny County Executive last year, but voters got to know him and apparently enough liked his ideas, some of which he’ll take to Harrisburg. He said he will lead by example by not taking a pension, and he wants to lower corporate taxes to make the state more business friendly.

The Mt. Lebanon resident and former Mt. Lebanon commissioner beat Fellow Republicans Mark Mustio and Sue Means in the 37th Pennsylvania Senate District Republican Primary by a wide margin, 44%, 25% and 32% respectively.

Raja immigrated to the U.S. from India and graduated from the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University. He favors policies that will encourage graduates of his alma maters to stay in the region to make up the shortfall when baby boomers retire.

Raja says the negative campaign ads that caused the Pittsburgh Post Gazette to withdraw its endorsement from State Rep. Mark Mustio never affected the positive encouragement he got from his family and supporters. Now he hopes all Republicans will work for a win in the general election.

There was no Democratic candidate on today’s ballot for state senator in the 37th District, but unofficially, Greg Parks got enough write-in votes to be on the ballot in November.