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Essential Pittsburgh

    • The Gammage Project

      The Gammage Project

      In 1995, a black businessman named Jonny Gammage died at the hands of five white policemen at a routine traffic stop. The court cases and public outcry that followed Gammage’s death left an indelible mark on the Pittsburgh region for years. Director Mark Southers and playwright, Atillio “Buck” Favorini talk about “The Gammage Project,” a new play that addresses the suppressed emotions that continue to affect race relations in our area today.

    • Police & Community Relations Today

      In light of the 1995 death of Jonny Gammage and the recent police beating of Jordan Miles, we’ll take a look at where things stand when it comes to police and community relations today. Has anything changed? For better or for worse? We’ll explore this issue with Beth Pittinger of the Citizen Police Review Board, Tim Stevens of The Black Political Empowerment Project, and Wayne Babish, former Brentwood Police Chief and current Adjunct Professor at the University of Pittsburgh.