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Monday, April 30, 2012
News Transportation

North Shore Connector

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The Port Authority North Shore Connector is officially open. As hundreds of new riders take advantage of the free fare and quick connection between Downtown and the stadium area, we’ll take a look at how the light rail station will impact Pittsburgh with Joe Grata, former transportation writer for the Pittsburgh Press and the Post-Gazette. And Port Authority Rail Operations/Engineering Officer Winston M. Simmonds talks about the scope of the North Shore project.
(Noah Brode/Essential Public Radio)
The North Shore Connector runs from Gateway Station to North Side Station and Allegheny Station.

The Port Authority North Shore Connector is officially open. As hundreds of new riders take advantage of the free fare and quick connection between Downtown and the stadium area, we’ll take a look at how the light rail station will impact Pittsburgh with Joe Grata, former transportation writer for the Pittsburgh Press and the Post-Gazette. And Port Authority Rail Operations/Engineering Officer Winston M. Simmonds talks about the scope of the North Shore project.