Saturday, May 26, 2012
News Education

Teaching Election Math

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Decision 2012: Election Math is the name of a new computer program from Pittsburgh-based Carnegie Learning, Inc. and NBC Learn that combines NBC videos from presidential campaigns and election cycles, with intuitive computer software to teach math from a new angle. Carnegie Learning Executive Vice President David Hart talks about how the learning tool works in tandem with the educational branch of NBC News, and the potential jobs this project will bring to Pittsburgh.
(Zach Morris/Wikipedia)
Carnegie Learning, Inc., headquartered in the Frick Building downtown, has partnered with NBC Learn to develop a new program.

Decision 2012: Election Math is the name of a new computer program from Pittsburgh-based Carnegie Learning, Inc. and NBC Learn that combines NBC videos from presidential campaigns and election cycles, with intuitive computer software to teach math from a new angle. Carnegie Learning Executive Vice President David Hart talks about how the learning tool works in tandem with the educational branch of NBC News, and the potential jobs this project will bring to Pittsburgh.